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![]() "Vincent's 2 years plan has officially
started unknowingly!"
August 2008
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
RazzlePlay 在优1周UW
![]() 我很感谢优1周UW能为我们做这个介绍。讨闹派不会放弃!我们会一直努力下去! 如果想阅读图里内容,请立刻购买这期的优1周UW。 或你也可到我们的forum一起讨论:)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
可是刚刚我就在NatGeo Channel看见这“China Acrobats”我才恍然大悟!原来我所看见的照片都是真的阿!(你可以叫我山龟了。。) 当我在看那些小孩因为想成为一个出色的杂技演员,或为了添家用,而受这些痛与折磨。我领悟了。我并没有努力!你可能觉得这些小孩是没得选。这些孩子在刚进去的6个月后是可以选择是否要不要继续。这已比你服兵役好多了! 曾经 ![]() 你呢?你觉得你有在为你的生命打拼吗?
Friday, March 13, 2009
超高兴的! 讨闹派的网站终于在这个黑色星期五(Friday the 13th) 正式开始了!
这个网站曾经给了我们许多问题。。让我们苦恼的很! 所以当这网站大功完毕时,我的心是很急不可待想和全世界分享! Now..我需要你们到那看看,再回到这告诉我有哪些问题及可以进步的点子。 又或者你觉得你可以为讨闹派的网站做些什么的。请留个comment吧! www.RazzlePlay.com
Monday, March 9, 2009
![]() “ok讨闹派可以去拍了。。” 思铃:Hello罗志祥你好,我们。。。。。。。 我:我每天都有看你的节目哦! 罗志祥:哦真的! 那也就是为何我的脸在这张相片里是如此的僵硬! 我常在娱乐百分百听小猪如何在其他巨新前发抖, 当晚我体会到了。 除了罗志祥,我们也很不要脸的和多名重量级的艺人合照! 请到我们的Facebook欣赏吧~ ![]() 其中包括了 Yet, 可为Kewei 和得到最佳本地独立制作专辑的邱意淋Bevlyn! 我说阿,我们这一班虽然不是很认识对方但默契充足,一点都不怯场。新加坡有许多与我们类似的音乐人等着本地人来支持与栽培。所以。。哈哈! 请多多支持我们!您的支持绝对不会白费的!
Friday, March 6, 2009
不是一切 都需要回报
不是一切 都一定有结果 不是一切 都是回绕着你而活 不是一切 都有你决定对与错 不是一切 都一定有成功与失败 而 一切都是 个未知数 一切都是 个希望 一切都是 先苦后甜 一切都是 值得去尝试 一切都是 等待你发觉的一片蓝天 有时候,我们都会自私的为自己而活。 我也没被放过。 可能是老天故意的吧。 可是,你只需花一点心思去思考。 这宇宙里,你并只不过是个故事。 所以,放开一点吧。 让我们一起把世界变成一个美好的连续剧!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I'm troubled again..
The last time i quit my full time job so that i can pursue in my band better, it was such tough decision but it did benefit the band a lot. After a while, you do realize cash is running out and you've got to go get a job somewhere in order to survive. So i took up guitar instructor job at verve music.
Here comes the problem. The days i work there are weekends morning till early noon but they pushed my time limit to late noon. That's fine. Then now as the band progress further, i realized i need back the weekend again. As this school is totally strict and not flexible with schedule, i am already having the intention to quit. To the school, so long as you are the instructor, you are to put the school as top priority in your life. Even if they only assign you 1hr of lesson per week, you cannot afford to jeopardize their 1hr. I'm pretty sure they don't have the practice of firing instructor off their list as they do have limited guitar teachers. I'm not that evil to do any harm to my students too. I'm just troubled.. I need more and more time but at the same time i can't earn anything for my basic expenses! The journey to music is so mind blogging.. Anyway here's a video of 讨闹派RazzlePlay @ NTU Campus Impresario as guest performer. Another sad thing there, i played a very very wrong mistake at the 2nd song..you should be able to spot it as it is very obvious. Worse thing is, we're playing infront of some very important audience. Music producers and etc.. Enjoy! |